
Take the plunge into premium content with Vid Binge! With flexible payment options like Crypto, CashApp, and PayPal, securing your embed API has never been easier.

Pay with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Tether, or Monero to secure your premium Vid Binge premium player. Simply enter your domain and email address below to get started.

Enter your website domain that you would like to add as a premium site

Enter your email address so we can contact you about your player setup.

If you're interested in the 4K Embed API, simply go here

Purchase VidBinge Pemium 4K
To upgrade via other payment methods, or if you want the 4K player, please contact us directly. While we work on an automated upgrade system, our team will manually set up your site. Reach out via Discord or Telegram for a quick setup!

Contact Information:

Discord: .trainreq
Telegram: TrainReq